Alberta Central Future Leader Scholarship

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the Alberta Central Future Leader Scholarship?

For 2024, Alberta Central offered five scholarships under the category Alberta Central Future Leader Scholarships.

One is open to children of Alberta Central employees or board members and the other four are open to children of credit union employees or board members. These scholarships are intended to support the children of employees who are part of the credit union system in their educational goals.

What is the amount of the scholarships?

Each scholarship is worth $5,000.

Who is eligible to apply for the Alberta Central scholarship?

Any child of a Alberta Central employee, Alberta Central board member, credit union employee or credit union board member is eligible to apply.

How do I apply?

Apply using the online form during the application period (June to August).

What type of post-secondary programs are eligible?

Any university, college or school that grants post-secondary credentials including degrees, diplomas and/or trade certificates would be considered eligible. Both undergraduate and graduate studies are also eligible to apply, however, continuing education programs are not eligible. The post-secondary institution can be located anywhere in the world as national and international programs are also eligible.

If I want to go to post-secondary but I am not enrolled yet, can I still apply?

Only current students, or students who are enrolled in post-secondary and set to begin in the 2024 calendar year are eligible to apply. Grade 12 students and those who are considering post-secondary but not yet enrolled are not eligible.

What are the application requirements for the scholarship?

Complete the application form outlining identification requirements and answering the application questions outlined above. Additional requirements such as identification and/or post-secondary school documentation may be requested following your application. All applicants will also be required to provide their Social Insurance Number via a secure communication channel for tax purposes only.

What can I use the scholarship for?

The funds can be used in any way that furthers your educational goals, for example to pay for tuition, books or other course materials.

If I am awarded a scholarship, do I have to pay it back?

No, the scholarship does not need to be paid back.

Is the scholarship taxable?

Yes, any monies received from the scholarship would need to be reported on your tax return the following year.

Who can I reach out to if I have questions?

Please reach out to Alberta Central at .

How will I know that you’ve received my application?

You will receive an automatic onscreen pop-up thanking you for your application.

Who is offering this scholarship?

The Alberta Central Future Leader Scholarship is presented by the Credit Unions of Alberta and Alberta Central.

What is a credit union?

Credit unions are people-focused organizations that offer the same products and services as other financial institutions. But instead of being just another customer, with a credit union, you’re a member and an owner. Visitalbertacreditunions.comfor more details.

Who is Credit Unions of Alberta?

Credit Unions of Alberta represents the 12 credit unions located across the province, in communities large and small, rural and urban. With nearly 200 credit union branches serving more than 640,000 members across Alberta and with more than 3,300 employees, we are your friends, neighbours and colleagues. for more details.

Who is Alberta Central?

Alberta Central is the central banking facility and trade association for Alberta’s credit unions. Our innovative products and services, thought leadership and advocacy on priority issues advance the collective voice of the credit union system as we work to increase awareness of the credit union difference.

Do Credit Unions of Alberta and Alberta Central offer any other grants or scholarships?

Credit Unions of Alberta and Alberta Central support the community through the delivery of several different grants and scholarships – learn more here.

We also offer a scholarship called the “Future Leader of Alberta Scholarship” that is open to any Alberta-based student, however, this scholarship is not open to the children of employees of Alberta Central, Alberta Central board members, credit unions or credit union board members. You can learn more about our Future Leader of Alberta Scholarship here.

You can also subscribe to stay in the loop using the form here.

If you have any additional questions about the Alberta Central Future Leader Scholarship, please reach out to